Rainbow Sheikh’s Colossal Hummer H1 “X3” is Three Times Bigger Than A Regular Hummer

Arnold Schwarzenegger grabbed the attention of the press when he drove a military Humvee on the street, setting off the craze of road-going Hummers that consumers loved.

Even The Terminator, though, would be awestruck at the latest creation of the Rainbow Sheikh (aka Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan) of the United Arab Emirates, an oversized Hummer H1 dubbed the “X3”.

“It’s too small” is not something a normal person would say about a Hummer H1, especially if you’re watching it take up almost two lanes on a normal street, but Rainbow Sheikh is not a normal person. With a net worth of approximately $20 billion, and the operator of four separate car museums in the UAE, Nahyan has an affinity for making oversized versions of vehicles he owns. Some of the Sheikh’s other vehicles include a massive Jeep, a gargantuan Power Wagon, and a humongous… Well, whatever the heck this thing is.

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Standing at 21.6 feet tall, 46 feet long, and 19 feet wide (or 14 meters long, six meters wide, and 5.8 meters high), the Hummer H1 “X3” lives up to its name, being three times the size of a regular hummer H1. The Hummer is fully driveable thanks to diesel engines on each wheel, which also means it has four-wheel-drive.

The inside of the hummer isn’t as perfectly replicated as the exterior, but it does feature some amenities such as a toilet and a sink. Nahyan’s giant 1950 Power Wagon is built like a hotel with bedrooms inside, so it’s possible he plans to do the same with the Hummer.

The Sheikh also owns some-3,000 other vehicles, usually adorned with rainbows in some form or another, and kept in a giant pyramid in the middle of the desert.

The Hummer is currently on display at the Off-Road History Museum in Al Madam, UAE, but you could probably also see it from space.

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Photos Courtesy shhamadbinhamdan Instagram

Source : Autonews.com

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